Self Intro & Faced Questions

 faced questions :

- scaf vs scan in SQL
- Addtrans - addsingleton - & --- - .net core

- antiforgerytoken

- sql nth highest salary

select * from(
select ename, sal, dense_rank() 
over(order by sal desc)r from Employee) 
where r=&n;

  • IEnumerable is useful when we want to iterate the collection of objects which deals with in-process memory.
  • IQueryable is useful when we want to iterate a collection of objects which deals with ad-hoc queries against the data source or remote database, like SQL Server.

- Sql transaction and EF Transaction
- list remove exact item we want
- IEnumerator c #
- list vs arraylist
- dynamic and using c #
- ref vs out

The out is a keyword in C# which is used for the passing the arguments to methods as a reference type. It is generally used when a method returns multiple values. The out parameter does not pass the property.

The ref (to parameter as address of the variable ) is a keyword in C# which is used for the passing the arguments by a reference. Or we can say that if any changes made in this argument in the method will reflect in that variable when the control return to the calling method. The ref parameter does not pass the property.

- C# Const and ReadOnly and Static

In C#, a const keyword is used to declare constant fields and constant local. The value of the constant field is the same throughout the program or in other words, once the constant field is assigned the value of this field is not be changed. In C#, constant fields and locals are not variables, a constant is a number, string, null reference, boolean values.

In C#, you can use a readonly keyword to declare a readonly variable. This readonly keyword shows that you can assign the variable only when you declare a variable or in a constructor of the same class in which it is declared
In C#, readonly fields can be created using readonly keywordIn C#, constant fields are created using const keyword.
ReadOnly is a runtime constant.Const is a compile time constant.
The value of readonly field can be changed.The value of the const field can not be changed.
It cannot be declared inside the method.It can be declared inside the method.
In readonly fields, we can assign values in declaration and in the contructor part.In const fields, we can only assign values in declaration part.
It can be used with static modifiers.It cannot be used with static modifiers.

to use properties and methods without creating objects

- singleton

What are the status codes you have used in mvc and api ?


SQL Delete , Truncate , Drop 

Basically, it is a Data Manipulation Language Command (DML). It is use to delete the one or more tuples of a table. With the help of “DELETE” command we can either delete all the rows in one go or can delete row one by one. i.e., we can use it as per the requirement or the condition using Where clause. It is comparatively slower than TRUNCATE cmd.

    Note –
    Here we can use the “ROLLBACK” command to restore the tuple

    2. DROP :
    It is a Data Definition Language Command (DDL). It is use to drop the whole table. With the help of “DROP” command we can drop (delete) the whole structure in one go i.e. it removes the named elements of the schema. By using this command the existence of the whole table is finished or say lost.

    Note –
    Here we can’t restore the table by using the “ROLLBACK” command.

    3. TRUNCATE :
    It is also a Data Definition Language Command (DDL). It is use to delete all the rows of a relation (table) in one go. With the help of “TRUNCATE” command we can’t delete the single row as here WHERE clause is not used. By using this command the existence of all the rows of the table is lost. It is comparatively faster than delete command as it deletes all the rows fastly.

      Note –
      Here we can’t restore the tuples of the table by using the “ROLLBACK” command.


      JS Optional Param


      serialization in C# is a process of storing the object instance to a persistant storage. Serialization stores state of objects i.e. member variable values to persostant storage such as a disk. Deserialization is reverse of serialization. It is a process of reading objects from a file where they have been stored. In this code sample we will see how to serialize and deserialize objects using C#.
      Here is how serialization works. Image source: Microsoft Docs.
      Serialization in CSharp 


      How you implement routing in api & Mvc


      What is boxing?

      Boxing is the process of converting a value type to the object type or any interface type implemented by this value type. Boxing is implicit.

      Example: Boxing
      int i = 10;
      object o = i; //performs boxing

      What is Unboxing?

      Unboxing is the reverse of boxing. It is the process of converting a reference type to value type. Unboxing extract the value from the reference type and assign it to a value type.

      Unboxing is explicit. It means we have to cast explicitly.

      Example: Unboxing
      object o = 10;
      int i = (int)o; //performs unboxing


       Implementation of postgresql with . That time we have postgresql Version upto 10 only . First It won't support procedures we have to use functions only but in functions we cannot return multiple result set , and second how to use it with dot net.

      First I used functions with returning cursors. So that we can return multiple result sets, 
      Second I had used npgsql data provider to use postgresql with. Net . This ways I had resolved it.

      And another issue is sending device to device notification in Android. That time I have to implement in short time. Which is didn't have experienced like that. I'm only person working on that

      I Registered my application in firebase with application I'd . They provide token I'd for my project. Then I get device ID once while user login to the application, and stored it in our server with pointing to the user. Then once a user needs to send a notification to another user , I need to pass the receiver device ID to firebase. So it will trigger notification to the user.
      And also implemented Scheduled notification, And so on.

      SELF INTRO   

          - OK , THANKS    - I Completed My UG in 2017... Usually i'm a active person. Have More Curious to learn new things. During my UG i itself , Android Studio. on my UG and Created 2 Android apps  & It  published in my college website. One is Student Knowledge Development another one is About Dr.Abdul Kalam .

      And Completed course on Csharp ,Java,,Sql. Then I placed in krossark . As a trainee  software engineer. Then Also I Joined MCA @ Madras University by Distance Education

          - Their I have trained in  and worked in 2 projects simultaneously .     One is Freight Rover.  Freight Rover is a privately held company in US.     Which is one of the leading providers of transportation services in the US.       We did their project  to perform activities like Load Building, Freight Visibility (Tracking of goods) , managing accounting  for its customers on the web and mobile device. 

      - Another One is Ten 20  The Freight Rover  company wanted to develop a social media application that would improve the line of communication between drivers, Vehicle (Vehicle) managers and Vehicle owners. The Vehicle managers can receive improved feedback from drivers and  develop a deeper understanding of business needs to produce better results.

      - The both project was developed in mvc and sql server and web api - We used telerik app builder to build mobile application from .Net- We Worked around 10 software Engineers with  a QA Team

      Their Various User Stories

      -  Such as Getting Information From Users Facebook Account- Facebook Login- Remember Me functionality- User's Tour Guide which helps the user to know about the application for first time
      -  some business logic forms.-  and also worked for bug fixings 

       - Then i had joined  Saint-gobain - Their i worked  3 web projects using , web service using soap protocol, and .net core mvc and web api .  and two months worked on native mobile app using android studio. 

      My Last Project Was LAMA

      - Lama is Logistics(goods ) maintaining and tracking responsive web application which suds for all kind of devices.  It helps to the people who works in the production area of saint gobain. They will use this application to check all details like stock info , internal movements , and shipping the glass , Quality Checking of the glass.

      - We Used .Net Core Mvc and Web Api and Sql with jwt authentication in This Project

      - We worked around 10 members in this project 
      And my Role is

      - Analyzing user story assigned in jira  and logical implementation- Developing Responsive application as a full stack developerneeded to work on Ui screen , and handling web api and database queries.- and fixing bugs
      Worked Modules 
      - Dynamic user based Authorization - Developed base for web api with jwt token- & 

      worked on 

      • Making User Rights to Group the people
      • Dynamic Charts based on the use access,
      • Internal movements to moving set of products to production area , 
      • Auditing And Rejecting the Glasses ,
      • Check stock info with its movement details.
      • System logs for who all are using this application in each module
      • And Used FireBase for an android application to send device to device notification
      • and for Google login , and FB Login
      • PostgreSql with Function with RefCurser

      DMS  is a web project to review the audit details. The reviewer can assign  to audit person in which plant which location they have to audit .The reviewer can also check the audited details which is submitted from mobile applications. and Dms have charts ,filter options to review the details clearly.

       We completed it with 3 resourse usign and sql

      My Roles and responsibility are 

      - Analyzing user story and logical implementation- Developing needed to work on Ui screen , and handling web api and database queries.- and fixing bugs
      Worked Modules 
      - Checking the audit details on web - which is submitted from the mobile application- assigning a user to audit in particular location (Then User will get the audit details on his mobile app like qmat)- Showing the Report in chart 


      - It was used to audit some functionality of machines- When user login User will get his location & which type of thing to be an audit, this audit was assigned by another person from the web- after a first submit, he can review the audit then he can able to sync that with the server.-i developed the hole app - 😊and i used Fire base notification to send notification from one android device to another android device. 

      Ten 20

      The company wanted to develop a social media application that would improve the line of communication between drivers, fleet managers and fleet owners in the logistics space. The fleet managers can receive improved feedback from drivers and develop a deeper understanding of business needs to produce better results.

      - It was similar to social network app- this app developed for drivers to communicate- user can login through vaccount- they can view news feed , buddies, also they can chat with buddies- They can see their connected buddies on map with cluster icon 

      Any Negotiable on salary ?

        Please share your opinion.

      What kind of web service you have used ?

      - Simple Access Object Protocol

      Http Methods in Api ?

      • GET       - Retrive
      • POST     - Insert
      • PUT       - Update Existing Record
      • PATCH   - Update Record Partially
      • DELETE - Delete Records

      Action Results ?

      Result ClassDescription
      ViewResultRepresents HTML and markup.
      EmptyResultRepresents No response.
      ContentResultRepresents string literal.
      FileContentResult/ FilePathResult/ FileStreamResultRepresents the content of a file
      JavaScriptResultRepresent a JavaScript script.
      JsonResultRepresent JSON that can be used in AJAX
      RedirectResultRepresents a redirection to a new URL
      RedirectToRouteResultRepresent another action of same or other controller
      PartialViewResultReturns HTML from Partial view
      HttpUnauthorizedResultReturns HTTP 403 status

      View to Controller ?

      Controller to View ?

      Data Annotations ?

      wwwroot ?

      Do you used Linq , EntityFramework ,Dapper ? why didn't used? What basics you know ?

      Filters on .net ?

      Filter TypeInterfaceDescription
      AuthenticationIAuthenticationFilterThese are Runs, before any other filters or the action method.
      AuthorizationIAuthorizationFilterThese Runs first, before any other filters or the action method.
      ActionIActionFilterThese Runs before and after the action method.
      ResultIResultFilterRuns before and after the action result is executed.
      ExceptionIExceptionFilterRuns only if another filter, the action method, or the action resultthrows an exception.

      Garbage Collector ?

      CLR , CTS, CLS , JIT ?

        pre dot net application

      In pre dot net application. If we create a application like vb6
      vb6 complier will create assembly files like .dll or .exe file in 
      native code.
      That will be only supported by the same operating system. we cannot
      use in different operating system.


      In .net application when we run a language it's compiler will
      create the assembly files .dll or .exe files and it's contains intermediate language(IL)
      the IL cann't be read directly from the os.
      So .Net have  CLR - Common Language Runtime System.  when we are installing
      the dot net 2 things will be get installed in our machine . such as 
      1 .net framework class library,and 
      2 CLR
      CLR have jit compiler which converts IL to native code(Readable for that os).

      Temp Table ? W,W,W ?

      Function in Sql ?

      Index Brief Explain ?

      Sql Select Top 2nd Rank ?

      SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employee
      WHERE salary < (SELECT MAX(salary)
      FROM employee)

      Sql Query Optimizing 

      - If there is select * from in If exists Change it select 1 from
      - If multiple if statement has same query like select name from table reduce that duplicate 
      by assigning it to var . then use the var in conditions
      - reduce temp as much as posible
      - retrive required fields only from table don't go suddenly for select * from
      -Do not write "Select count(*) from Table" statement to get the count of the records. Alternatively, use "Select count (PrimaryKeyColumn) from Table"
      -Create Non-clustered indexes, wherever it is necessary.

      SQL Transaction  Brief?

      Transactions group a set of tasks into a single execution unit. Each transaction begins with a specific task and ends when all the tasks in the group successfully complete. If any of the tasks fail, the transaction fails. Therefore, a transaction has only two results: success or failure.
          SAVE TRANSACTION MySavePoint;


              IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0
                  ROLLBACK TRANSACTION MySavePoint; -- rollback to MySavePoint
          END CATCH

      How your making authorization ?

      - dynamic authorization using backend
      - we grouped set of users like people in production area , delivery area , stock place
      - and each group has some set of pages to access the cntrl and action
      - and we checking session in Each page to the user have access or not

      how u handle exception 

      - as of now simply using try catch
      - and storing the exceptions in db using stacktrace method

      Routing in  Api ?

      MVC Types of views

      Caching Techniques

      Client side /Server side Validation

      State Management 

      Client side

      1. Hidden Field
      2. View State
      3. Cookies
      4. Control State
      5. Query Strings

      Server side

      1. Session
      2. Application

      Memory League with Api

      static , Struct , Abstract , Interface ?

      why Bootstrap have 12 cols

      JavaScript Class

      Response.Redirect should be used when:

      Redirect the request to some plain HTML pages on our server or to some other web server

      Don't care about causing additional round trips to the server on each request

      Do not need to preserve Query String and Form Variables from the original request

      Users to be able to see the new redirected URL where he is redirected in his browser

      Server.Transfer should be used when:

      Transfer current page request to another .aspx page on the same server

      Preserve server resources and avoid the unnecessary round trips to the server

      Preserve Query String and Form Variables (optionally)

      Don't need to show the real URL where we redirected the request in the users Web Browser

      JSON object has a typeXML data is typeless
      JSON types: string, number, array, BooleanAll XML data should be string
      Data is readily accessible as JSON objectsXML data needs to be parsed.
      JSON is supported by most browsers.Cross-browser XML parsing can be tricky

      JSON supports only text and number data type.XML support various data types such as number, text, images, charts, graphs, etc. It also provides options for transferring the structure or format of the data with actual data.
      Retrieving value is easyRetrieving value is difficult
      It is less secured.It is more secure than JSON.


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