core syllabus V2

.NET Core Training Syllbus: Introduction to .NET Core 

Overview of .NET Core 

Framework Architecture and Advantages .NET Core Supports 

.NET App Model 


Working in DNX, DNVM, DNU 

Introduction to .NET CLI and CLI Commands Introduction to ASP.NET Core 

Understanding ASP.NET Core 

ASP.NET Core Features

Detailed Understanding in ASP.NET Core 1.0, ASP.NET MVC5 and ASP.NET WebForms Model, View, Controller & Actions 

Model, View and Controller 

Types of Views 

Creating Controller 

Communication between Controller and View 

Razor View Engine 

Understanding Razor View Engine 

Razor View Engine vs. Web Form Engine 

Razor Syntax and Razor Statements, Loops etc. 

Routes & URLs 

Introduction to Routing 

Defining Routes

Attribute Routing 


Understanding Html Helpers 

Tag Helpers, Inline Helpers, Custom Helpers and URL helpers Server-side Data Receiving Ways 

Action Parameters 

View Models/Objects 


Reusable UI Components 

Creating ViewModel 

Understanding ASP.NET Core MVC Validation 

Need of Server Side and Client Side Validation

Validation with Data Annotation 

Custom Server and Client side validation 

Data Passing Techniques 

ViewData, ViewBag and TempData 


Query String 


LINQ Fundamentals 

Understanding LINQ 

Advantages of LINQ 

Query Based Syntax and Method Based Syntax Deferred Execution vs. Immediate Execution

SQL Joins with LINQ 

Lazy Loading vs. Eager Loading 


Understanding and Configuring LINQPad LINQPad Querying SQL Server database LINQPad Querying DAL layer DLL using 

Introduction to Entity Framework Core ORMs used with .NET 

EF6 vs. EF Core 

Advantages of Entity Framework 

Database Migration, DB Procedures and Functions Entity Framework Code First Migrations

Updating Database when the Model Changes 

Calling Stored Procedures and functions 

Code First with existing Database 

Repository Design Pattern and Unit of Work Design Patterns Understanding Repository and UOW Design Pattern Need of Repository Design Pattern 

Need to Unit of Work Design Pattern 

Implementing Repository and UOF Design Pattern Dependency Injection 

Understanding Dependency Injection 

Need of Dependency Injection 

Implementing DI 

Introduction to TypeScript Data Types and Variables

Issues with Plain JavaScript 

Introduction to TypeScript 

Advantages of TypeScript 

Getting Started with TypeScript TypeScript Data Types 

Variable declaration 

Classes and Interfaces 


Access Modifiers 



Introduction to Angular2 & Angular4 Introduction to Angular

Advantages of Angular 

Overview of Angular1, Angular2 and Angular4 


Setting up an Angular App 

Running an Angular App 

Understanding Angular folder structure Angular Initialization Process 

Components, Modules, Decorators 

Understanding Component 

Creating a Component 

Understanding Modules 

Understanding Decorators

Angular CLI 

Introduction to CLI 

Creating new project – ng new 

Building Project – ng build and ng serve 

Ng CLI options 

Creating components, services and directives etc. Data binding 

Understanding Data Binding 

Attribute Binding 

Two-way Data Binding 

Event Binding etc. 

Choosing Appropriate Data Binding 


Understanding Routing 

Defining Routes 

Routing Building Blocks – Routes, Router Outlet and Router Link Directives 

Introduction to Directives 

Built in Directives – ngIf, ngFor, ngSwitch etc. 

Creating Custom Directives 

Pipes and Components 

Introduction to Pipes 

Angular Built-In Pipes 

Creating Custom Pipes 

Nested Components 

Data sharing between nested components

Components Life Cycle Hooks 

Angular Forms and Controls 

Introduction to Angular Forms 

Types of Angular Forms – Template Driven and Model Driven Template Driven vs. Model Driven 

Model Driven Form 

Angular form input controls 

Angular form validation 

Angular form and controls properties 

Introduction to Web API 

Introduction to SOA and REST 

REST Principles 

Understanding Web API

Choosing between WCF and WebAPI 

Angular SPA 

Setting Up Angular App using Visual Studio Building and Running Angular using Visual Studio Consuming Web API using Angular 

ASP.NET Core MVC Authentication: Identity ASP.NET Core MVC Authentication Options Introduction to Identity 

Implementing Identity 

ASP.NET Core MVC Pipeline, Middleware and Filters Exploring ASP.NET Core Pipeline 

ASP.NET Core MVC Middleware 

ASP.NET Core MVC Filters

Extending ASP.NET Core MVC Filters 

Configuring ASP.NET Core MVC Filters 

Securing ASP.NET Core MVC App 

Implementing Authorization using Authorization Filter Passing Logged in User Info Across the App



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