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.NET Core Training Syllbus: Introduction to .NET Core 

Overview of .NET Core 

ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform, high-performance, open-source framework for building modern, cloud-enabled, Internet-connected apps. With ASP.NET Core, you can: Build web apps and services, Internet of Things (IoT) apps, and mobile backends. Use your favorite development tools on Windows, macOS, and Linux

Framework Architecture and Advantages .NET

advantages of choosing to develop your application with .NET Core:

Advantages of ASP.NET Core


  • Fast - It is a lightweight, high-performance web framework.
  • Integration of Modern UI Framework - ASP.NET Core support modern, a Client-side framework like AngularJs, ReactJs and React with Redux etc. ASP.NET framework supports client-side framework templates like AngularJs, ReactJs and React with Redux etc.
  • Hosting - It has the ability to host on IIS, Apache, Docker or Self Hosting.
  • Cross Platform - ASP.NET Core web application can run on Windows, Mac, Linux development tools.
  • Support Built-In Dependency Injection - It supports built-in Dependency Injection.
  • Supports Modular - It support modular HTTP request.
  • Open-Source - It is an open-source and community-focused web framework.
  • Side-by-side app versioning - ASP.NET Core runs on .NET Core which supports the simultaneous running of multiple versions of applications.
  • A unified story for building web UI and web APIs.

Key Terminologies in the Architecture of .NET Core

The key terminology in architecture of .net core is as follows:

.net Core 1

  • Core CLR: Core CLR is the Common Language Runtime optimized for multiplatform and cloud-based deployments. This, along with .Net Native Runtime, forms the foundation of all .Net based platforms.
  • .Net Native Runtime: Also referred to as Managed Runtime, .Net Native Runtime contains the native windows based libraries. This also contains Ahead Of Time (AOT) compilation instead of the erstwhile Just In Time (JIT) compilation. This improves the performance of the applications. The .Net Native Runtime and the Core CLR are the layers that contain implementations of primitive types as well as generic collections in .Net. These layers hardly change and are constant throughout the various .Net stacks. The various .Net stack APIs, thus, share the same implementations.
  • Unified BCL: The Unified Base Class Library, also referred to as CoreFX, consists of the basic and fundamental classed that form the core of the .Net Core platform.
  • App Models: On top of the BCL, sit the various App Models that developers leverage to develop platform-specific applications. Currently, .Net Core has the ASP .Net Model for web development and Windows Store Model for windows application development.


Working in DNX, DNVM, DNU 

Migrating to Dotnet CLI

DNVM - The .NET Version Manager

DNVM is a version manager tool for the command line. As its name implies, DNVM provides the functionality needed to configure your .NET runtime. We can use DNVM to specify which version of the .NET Execution Environment to use at the process, user, or machine level.

DNX - The .NET Execution Environment

What is this DNX, anyway? From the ASP.NET Documentation site:

The .NET Execution Environment (DNX) is a software development kit (SDK) and runtime environment that has everything you need to build and run .NET applications for Windows, Mac and Linux. It provides a host process, CLR hosting logic and managed entry point discovery. DNX was built for running cross-platform ASP.NET Web applications, but it can run other types of .NET applications, too, such as cross-platform console apps.

Broadly speaking, different DNX runtime versions are available which reflect which .NET framework version you want to use in your application. At a basic level, there are different versions for:

  • .NET Framework - The familiar .NET framework we all know and love.
  • .NET Core - A subset of the .NET Framework which includes a modular runtime and library implementation and is managed via Nuget. .NET Core is cross-platform, open source, and includes the Core libraries in CoreFX, and a Core runtime in CoreCLR.
  • Mono - Using Mono, we can create ASP.NET application which compile and run on OSX and Linux machines.

DNU - .NET Development Utilities

DNU is a command-line tool which provides a variety of utility functions to assist with development in ASP.NET. Most commonly, we will use DNU to install and manage library packages in our application, and/or to package and publish our own application.

DNU uses Nuget behind the scenes for package management and deployment.

Introduction to .NET CLI and CLI Commands

Introduction to ASP.NET Core 

Understanding ASP.NET Core 

ASP.NET Core Features

Detailed Understanding in ASP.NET Core 1.0, ASP.NET MVC5 and ASP.NET

Basis.NET Core .NET Framework
Platform or FrameworkWhen we talk about .NET Core it is defined as the platform on which frameworks like ASP.NET Core and the Universal Windows Platform rely and extend the .NET Core platform’s functionalities..Net Framework is a full-fledged development framework. The framework provides all the basic requirements for the development of applications such as UI, DB connectivity, services, APIs, etc.
Open-Source .NET Core is an open-source platform.The.Net Framework includes certain open source components.
Cross-PlatformIt is based on the concept of “create once, run anywhere.” Because it is cross-platform, it is compatible with a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS..NET Framework is compatible with Windows OS(operating system) only 
Application modelsThe Application Model of .Net Core includes ASP.NET and windows universal apps.The Application Model of the .NET Framework includes WinForms, ASP.NET, and WPF.
Installation .Net Core is the cross-platform, hence it needs to be installed independently..NET Framework has a single packaged installation and runtime environment for windows.
Microservices support.NET Core has support for microservices. , NET Core allows a mix of technologies that can be minimalized for each microservice.When we talk about the .NET Framework it does not allow for the construction and deployment of microservices in multiple languages.
REST services support .NET Core has no support for WCF( Windows Communication Foundation ) services. You would always need to create a REST API.When it comes to WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) services, the.NET Framework is a fantastic choice. It also works with RESTful services.
Performance and Scalability.NET core provides high scalability and performance in comparison to .NET Framework because of its architecture..NET Framework is less scalable and provides low performance in comparison to .NET Core.
Security Feature such as Code Access Security is not present in .NET core so .NET Framework does have the edge in that case..NET Framework has this feature called code access security.
Focus on devices .NET Core focuses to develop apps in a variety of domains like gaming, mobile, IoT, AI, etc..NET Framework is limited to window OS.
Compatibility Mobile.NET Core is compatible with various operating systems-Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. On the other .NET Framework is only compatible with Windows OS.


In Asp.Net Core application, project or solutions folder structures have been changes. The major difference in the project structure is that Asp.Net Core projects do not contain any web.config file like Asp.Net MVC projects. So, then question arise that however, the applying deals with completely different configuration settings like authentication or application low-level formatting specific code etc. In Core, these will be taking care by some other files namely appsettings.json or custom configuration files. Also, in Asp.Net Core, a new folder named wwwroot added in the project structure. This files basically is the container of all static files which need to be sent to the browser like – css, html, images, JavaScripts etc. The below image has shown a clear difference in both the project structure.


As we have already discussed that Asp.Net Core is a Cross-Platform framework, so we can host Asp.Net Core applications not only in IIS but also it can be hosted in the Nginx, Apache, Docker etc. So, we can host the core application in the Linux webserver using Nginx. In this case, Kestrel will act as an internal web server for processing request.



Dependency Injection (DI) achieves loosely coupled, additional testable code in the applications. In ASP.NET MVC 5/4 or classic ASPX based mostly applications, we tend to use to own separate DI containers used like Unity, AutoFac, StructureMap etc. We had to form up our project to use DI, its additional effort.

Model, View and Controller 


The Model component corresponds to all the data-related logic that the user works with. This can represent either the data that is being transferred between the View and Controller components or any other business logic-related data. For example, a Customer object will retrieve the customer information from the database, manipulate it and update it data back to the database or use it to render data.


The View component is used for all the UI logic of the application. For example, the Customer view will include all the UI components such as text boxes, dropdowns, etc. that the final user interacts with.


Controllers act as an interface between Model and View components to process all the business logic and incoming requests, manipulate data using the Model component and interact with the Views to render the final output. For example, the Customer controller will handle all the interactions and inputs from the Customer View and update the database using the Customer Model. The same controller will be used to view the Customer data

Types of Views 

- Index.cshtml

- layout

- view start

- viewimport

Razor View Engine 

View Engine is used to convert html+Programming language to pure HTML.
Razor View Engine In ASP.NET MVC 5
 As per the above diagram, you can see that a view can contain C# and HTML code. Once the view renders on the browser, the C# code written on the view is converted into pure HTML format. To convert C# code into pure HTML is the job of ViewEngine. You can cross verify by inspecting the browser and verifying the C# data on the inspected browser; you can not find the C# code on the browser.

Understanding Razor View Engine 

Razor View engine is a markup syntax which helps us to write HTML and server-side code in web pages using C# or VB.NET. It is server-side markup language however it is not at all a programming language.

Razor is a templating engine and ASP.NET MVC has implemented a view engine which allows us to use Razor inside of an MVC application to produce HTML. However, Razor does not have any ties with ASP.NET MVC.

Now, Razor Syntax is compact which minimizes the characters to be used, however it is also easy to learn.

Some of Razor Syntax Rules for C# are given below.

  • It must be always enclosed in @{ ... }
  • Semicolon “;” must be used to ending statements
  • Files have .cshtml extension.
  • Variables are declared with var keyword
  • Inline expressions (variables and functions) start with @
  • C# code is case sensitive
If statement

    It starts with code block and its condition is written in parenthesis. And the code which needs to be executed once condition gets satisfied is written inside braces.

    Let’s understand with the below example.

    1. @{var price=60;}  
    2. <html>  
    3.    <body>  
    4.       @if (price>50)  
    5.        {  
    6.           <p>The price is  greater than 50.</p>  
    7.        }  
    8.    </body>  
    9. </html>  

    In the above example, we have declared var price has a value of 60 and we are using if statement which is validating price. If the price is greater than 50 then the code written in side braces gets executed.

    If – Else statement

      It starts with code block and its condition is written in parenthesis. And code which needs to be executed once the condition gets satisfied is written inside braces and if it does not gets satisfied then code written inside else block gets executed.

      Let’s understand with the below example.

      1. @{var price=60;}  
      2. <html>  
      3. <body>  
      4. @if (price>50)  
      5.     {  
      6.     <p>The price is  greater than 50.</p>  
      7.  }  
      9. else  
      10.   {  
      11.   <p>The price is less than 50.</p>  
      12.   }   
      14. </body>  
      15. </html>  

      Razor View Engine vs. Web Form Engine 

      Razor View Engine VS Web Form(ASPX) View Engine
      Razor View Engine
      Web Form View Engine
      Razor Engine is an advanced view engine that was introduced with MVC3. This is not a new language but it is a new markup syntax.
      Web Form Engine is the default view engine for the MVC that is included with MVC from the beginning.
      The namespace for Razor Engine is System.Web.Razor.
      The namespace for Webform Engine is System.Web.Mvc.WebFormViewEngine.
      The file extensions used with Razor Engine are different from Web Form Engine. It has .cshtml (Razor with C#) or .vbhtml (Razor with VB) extension for views, partial views, editor templates and for layout pages.
      The file extensions used with Web Form Engine are also like Web Forms. It has .aspx extension for views, .ascx extension for partial views & editor templates and .master extension for layout/master pages.
      Razor has new and advance syntax that are compact, expressive and reduces typing.
      Web Form Engine has the same syntax like Web Forms uses for .aspx pages.
      Razor syntax are easy to learn and much clean than Web Form syntax. Razor uses @ symbol to make the code like as:
       @Html.ActionLink("SignUp", "SignUp") 
      Web Form syntax are borrowed from Web Forms syntax that are mixed with html and sometimes make a view messy. Webform uses <% and %> delimiters to make the code like as:

       <%: Html.ActionLink("SignUp", "SignUp") %> 
      By default, Razor Engine prevents XSS attacks(Cross-Site Scripting Attacks) means it encodes the script or html tags like <,> before rendering to view.
      Web Form Engine does not prevent XSS attacks means any script saved in the database will be fired while rendering the page
      Razor Engine is little bit slow as compared to Webform Engine.
      Web Form Engine is faster than Razor Engine.
      Razor Engine, doesn't support design mode in visual studio means you cannot see your page look and feel.
      Web Form engine support design mode in visual studio means you can see your page look and feel without running the application.
      Razor Engine support TDD (Test Driven Development) since it is not depend on System.Web.UI.Page class.
      Web Form Engine doesn't support TDD (Test Driven Development) since it depend on System.Web.UI.Page class which makes the testing complex.

      Razor Syntax and Razor Statements, Loops etc. 

      Routes & URLs 

      There are two types of routing for action methods:

      Conventional Routing

      When we create a new ASP.NET Core MVC application using the default template, the application configures a default routing. Let’s create a new project and examine this.

      After creating a new project with the default ASP.NET Core MVC template, let’s have a look at the startup.cs class. We can see that the application has configured a default routing in the Configure() method:

      app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
      name: "default",
      pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

      Inside the call to UseEndpoints(), we use the MapControllerRoute()  method to create a route by giving the name default

      Attribute Routing

      By placing a route on the controller or the action method, we can make use of the Attribute Routing feature.

      Now let’s modify the BooksController by giving custom attributes as routes:

      public class BooksController : Controller
      public IActionResult Index()
      return View();
      public IActionResult Details(int id)
      ViewBag.Id = id;
      return View();


      public ViewResult Details(int Id)



      We have specified the URL paths //Home, or /Home/Index for the BooksController.Index() action and /Home/Details/{id} for the Details() method. When using Attribute Routing, the controller name and action method name plays no role in selecting which action method to execute.

      We can also use Http[Verb] attributes for Attribute Routing:

      public IActionResult ListBooks()
      // ...
      public IActionResult CreateBook(...)
      // ...

      For the URL path /books, MVC will execute the ListBooks() action when the HTTP verb is GET and CreateBook() when the HTTP verb is POST.

      Route attributes defined on the controller are combined with route attributes on the individual action methods to form the complete URL. Any route templates defined on the controller are prepended to route templates on all of its action methods. When we place a route attribute on the controller, all actions in the controller use attribute routing.

      Multiple Routes

      Attribute routing supports defining multiple routes that reach the same action. The most common usage of this is to achieve the functionality of the default conventional route:

      public class BooksController : Controller
      [Route("")] // Matches 'Books'
      [Route("Index")] // Matches 'Books/Index'
      public IActionResult Index()

      By defining two routes, the Index() method matches the URL paths /Books and Books/Index.


      Understanding Html Helpers 

      What is HTML Helper in ASP.NET MVC 5?

      • HTML Helpers are methods that return a string.
      • Helper class can create HTML controls programmatically. HTML Helpers are used in View to render HTML content.
      • It is not mandatory to use HTML Helper classes for building an ASP.NET MVC application.
      • Tag Helpers,
      What are Tag Helpers in ASP.NET Core?

      Tag Helpers in ASP.NET Core are the server-side components. They are basically used to perform defined transformations on HTML Elements. As they are server-side components, so they are going to be processed on the server to create and render HTML elements in the Razor files.

      If you are coming from ASP.NET MVC background, then you may be worked with the HTML helpers. The Tag Helpers are similar to the HTML helpers.

      Types of Tag Helpers in ASP.NET Core:

      There are two types of Tag helpers in ASP.NET Core. They are as follows:

      1. Built-In Tag Helpers: They come in-built in the ASP.NET Core Framework and can perform common tasks like generating links, creating forms, loading assets, showing validation messages, etc.
      2. Custom Tag Helper: That can be created by us to perform our desired transformation on an HTML element.
      How to use built-in Tag Helpers in ASP.NET Core MVC?

      In order to make the built-in tag helpers available for all the views of our application, import the tag helpers using the _ViewImports.cshtml file. You need to import them using the @addTagHelper directive as shown below.

      @addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers

      Understanding the Anchor Tag Helper in ASP.NET Core:

      The Anchor Tag Helper in ASP.NET Core creates the standard HTML anchor (<a … ></a>) tag by adding new attributes such as: 

      1. asp-controller: It is used to specify the controller to target based on the routing system. If you omitted this, then the controller of the current view is used by default.
      2. asp-action: It is used to specify the Action method to target based on the routing system. If you omitted this attribute then the action rendering the current view is used by default.
      3. asp-route-{value}: It is used for specifying the additional segment value for the URL. For example, asp-route-id is used to provide value for the ‘id’ segment.

      The rendered anchor element’s “href” attribute value is determined by the values of these “asp-“ attributes. As the name says, asp-controller specifies the name of the controller whereas asp-action specifies the name of the action name. Similarly, the asp-route-{value} attribute is used to include route data in the generated href attribute value. {value} can be replaced with route parameters such as id, name, etc. 

      Let us have a look at the following image.

      Understanding the Anchor Tag Helper in ASP.NET Core MVC

      Inline Helpers,
      Generating Link Manually:

      In the following code, we are manually generating the link by hard-coding the URL paths as /Home/Details.

      <a href=”/Home/Details/@student.StudentId”>View</a>

      Generating Link using Tag Helper:

      In the following code, we are generating the link using anchor tag helper.

      <a asp-controller=”Home” asp-action=”Details” asp-route-id=”@student.StudentId”>View</a>

      As you can see with Tag Helper, we have not hardcoded the URL paths. Here, we are only specifying the controller and action names and the route parameters along with their values. When the tag helpers are executed on the server they look at the route templates and generate the correct URLs automatically.

      • Custom Helpers
      The custom tag helper is nothing but the class that implements the ITagHelper interface. However, .NET Core MVC provides us the implementation of this interface.
      To create custom tag helper, the first step is to create a class that inherits from "TagHelper" class. This class has a virtual method to generate HTML tags

      • URL helpers Server-side Data Receiving Ways 

      Action Parameters 

      View Models/Objects 


      What is the FormCollection Class in ASP.NET MVC?

      The FormCollection class in ASP.NET MVC will automatically receive the posted form values in the controller action method in the form of key/value pairs. The values can be accessed using either key names or indexes. We can use the FormCollection to loop through each key and its value that is posted to the server. Let’s add the following Create Post method in the employee Controller class.

      [HttpPost] public ActionResult Create(FormCollection formCollection) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { foreach (string key in formCollection.AllKeys) { Response.Write("Key = " + key + " "); Response.Write("Value = " + formCollection[key]); Response.Write("<br/>"); } } return View(); }

      Reusable UI Components 

      Creating ViewModel 

      Understanding ASP.NET Core MVC Validation 

      C:\Users\vasan\OneDrive\Desktop\Online Class\MVC Class Projects\ValidationDataAnnotation

      The model is the M in MVC. The data model represents the core business data/information that an application is being used to access and manipulate. The model is the center of any application. The model encapsulates the storage and validation concerns. HTML helpers are provided by ASP.NET MVC to do the input validations. Additionally, we can also use data annotation attributes from the  namespace to do validations at the model level. Data annotation attributes are attached to the properties of the model class and enforce some validation criteria. They are capable of performing validation on the server side as well as on the client side

      Some frequently used tags are, 

      • Required
      • Regular Expression
      • Range
      • EmailAddress
      • DisplayName
      • DataType
      • StringLength
      • UIHint
      • DataType
      • StringLength
      • MaxLength
      • MinLength

      Need of Server Side and Client Side Validation

      Validation with Data Annotation 

      Custom Server and Client side validation 

      client - data annotation

      DataAnnotations is used to configure your model classes, which will highlight the most commonly needed configurations. DataAnnotations are also understood by a number of .NET applications, such as ASP.NET MVC, which allows these applications to leverage the same annotations for client-side validations

      Server side - Inside action method (ex. checking text box value ,etc)

      Data Passing Techniques 

      ViewData, ViewBag and TempData 


      Query String 


      LINQ Fundamentals 

      Understanding LINQ 

      Advantages of LINQ 

      Query Based Syntax and Method Based Syntax Deferred Execution vs. Immediate Execution

      SQL Joins with LINQ 

      Lazy Loading vs. Eager Loading 


      Understanding and Configuring LINQPad LINQPad Querying SQL Server database LINQPad Querying DAL layer DLL using 

      Introduction to Entity Framework Core ORMs used with .NET 

      EF6 vs. EF Core 

      Advantages of Entity Framework 

      Database Migration, DB Procedures and Functions Entity Framework Code First Migrations

      Updating Database when the Model Changes 

      Calling Stored Procedures and functions 

      Code First with existing Database 

      Repository Design Pattern and Unit of Work Design Patterns Understanding Repository and UOW Design Pattern Need of Repository Design Pattern 

      Need to Unit of Work Design Pattern 

      Implementing Repository and UOF Design Pattern Dependency Injection 

      Understanding Dependency Injection 

      Need of Dependency Injection 

      Implementing DI 

      ASP.NET Core MVC Authentication: Identity ASP.NET Core MVC Authentication Options Introduction to Identity 

      Implementing Identity 

      ASP.NET Core MVC Pipeline, Middleware and Filters Exploring ASP.NET Core Pipeline 

      ASP.NET Core MVC Middleware 

      ASP.NET Core MVC Filters

      Extending ASP.NET Core MVC Filters 

      Configuring ASP.NET Core MVC Filters 

      Securing ASP.NET Core MVC App 

      Implementing Authorization using Authorization Filter Passing Logged in User Info Across the App


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