Nuxt.js - Vue.js on Steroids - 1

ofc laptop - D:\Practice Projects\@VueJs\DemoVueNuxtApp

 We'll dive into nuxt to J.S. which is a framework that builds up on vue as it makes the development

of future as applications even more fun and even easier by adding a lot of cool features that save us

time and make things while easier.

The service side rendering of view takes applications.
You'll learn how next year's works for this course.

It's a mixture of angular and react you could say especially angular one.

And for state management and it's also very lightweight making it extremely popular.

It's not a new framework and it's also not adding a lot to the codebase of vuejs

And with that I don't just mean the steps but also the application that comes out that it's highly optimized.

nuxt js  just runs on the server to pre-rendered your view apps

Commands Used

npm install -g create-nuxt-app

create-nuxt-app DemoVueNuxtApp

npm run dev

npm install @nuxtjs/axios

Axios usage

In the first example we show how to use the env property in our nuxt.config.js file to add the URL of our API so that we can then easily make calls to it without having to use the URL on our page

npm install @nuxtjs/axios


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