Angular 8 Syllabus

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Angular Online Training Course Syllabus 

Introduction to Angular8 (Duration: 1.5Hrs) Learning Objective: 

First things first! What is Angular? Why would you want to learn it? This session helps with to answer  this question. So many Angular versions! What’s up with them and which version does this course  cover? Enough of the talking, let’s create our first Angular project and view our first app in the  browser. 


What is Angular? 

Angular vs Angular 2 vs Angular 8 

CLI Deep Dive & Troubleshooting 

Project Setup and First App 

What is TypeScript? 

Tools we use in Angular 8 


Creating our first Angular 8 app and modify it. 

Data Bindings, ng-for, style management, pipes, build in  

Directives (Duration: 3Hrs) 

Learning Objective: 

This session will help you understand how angular 8 use data binding, uses of build-in directives,  pipes. 


Creating a Dashboard 

ngFor & Nested ngFor 

Overview of Data Bindings & Working with All Types of Binding 

Style Handling & ngClass 

ngIf & ngIf-else & ng-template 

Built-in Pipes & Date Formats 



How to use build-in Directives, build in pipes, style handling.

Modules and Services (Duration: 3Hrs) 

Learning Objective: 

This session will help you understand how to create custom modules , services and dependency  injunction. 


Creating Custom Modules 

Creating Services & Dependency Injection 

Hands-on exercises: 

creating custom modules & services and how we can use dependency injunction. Authentication and security (Duration: 2Hrs) Learning Objective: 

This session will help you understand why we use jwt in angular and what is jwt. Why Authentication  and security is important. 


User Authentication in Asp.Net Core Mvc 

User Authentication in Angular 

Understanding JWT 

JWT Authentication in Asp.Net Core Mvc 

JWT Authentication in Angular 

Http Interceptors 

Catching 401 UnAuthorized Responses using Interceptors 

can activate Guard 

Role-Based Authentication 

Prevent XSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) 

prevent XSS(cross-site scripting) 

Hands-on Lab: 

how to use jwt in angular and XSRF and XSS. 

Template Driven Forms (Duration: 2Hrs) 

Learning Objective: 

This session will help you understand what is template-driven forms and how to create it and how to  validate it. 


Adding CheckBox, RadioButton, DropDownList with Foreign Key

Validations in Template Driven Forms 

Custom Validations in Template Driven Forms 

Cross Field Custom Validations in Template Driven Forms 

Async Custom Validations in Template Driven Forms with REST-API Calls Hands-on: 

Create Template-driven form 

validate forms. 

Reactive Forms (Duration: 2Hrs) Learning Objective: 

This session will help you understand how Reactive Forms work. Adding components in reactive  forms and validation of forms. 


Understanding Reactive Forms & Creating SignUp Form using Reactive Forms Adding Radio Buttons to Reactive Forms 

Adding Dynamic Radio Buttons to Reactive Forms 

Adding Dynamic DropDownList to Reactive Forms 

Adding CheckBox to Reactive Forms 

Subscribing to value changes Observable 

setValue, patchValue, reset 

Nested Form Groups 

Form Arrays 

Form Builder 

Validations in Reactive Forms 

Adding Validation Error Messages 

Custom Validations 

Cross Field Validations 

Submitting SignUp Form using REST API Call 

Async Validations with REST API Call 


Create a simple form with input and output. 

Component Communication (Duration: 2Hrs) 

Learning Objective: 

This session will help you understand how the parent component communicates with child  component & component communication using services.


Parent To Child Communication – using Input Binding 

Child To Parent Communication – using Output Binding with Custom Events Parent to Child – using ViewChild 

Adding Dynamic DropDownList to Reactive Forms 

Parent to Child – using ViewChildren 

Component Communication using Services 

Custom RxJS Observables 

RxJS Subject 

RxJS BehaviorSubject 

Passing Content from Parent to Child 

Child to Grand Child – using ContentChild 

Child to Grand Child – using ContentChildren 



How two-component communicate. Rxjs Codes. 

Debugging and Auto Deployment  

(Duration: 1.5Hrs) 

Learning Objective: 

This session will help you understand how to debug angular. 


Debugging the Angular Code 

Using Gulp for Continuous Deployment 


How To debug the code. 

Life Cycle Hooks (Duration: 2Hrs) Learning Objective: 

This session will help you understand the lifecycle hooks. 


Overview of Life Cycle Hooks 




ngAfterContentInit and ngAfterContentChecked

ngAfterViewInit, ngAfterViewChecked 



The flow of Lifecycle using code. 

Pipes – Deep Dive (Duration: 2Hrs) Learning Objective: 

This session will help you understand how to debug angular. 


Creating a Simple Custom Pipe 

Parameterized Custom Pipe 

Creating Complex Custom Pipe 

Pure Pipes (vs) Inpure Pipes 

Client-Side Paging using Custom Pipe 

Async Pipe 


How To use pipes. 

Directives – Deep Dive (Duration:  2Hrs) 

Learning Objective: 

This session will help you understand Deep Dive into Directives. 


Attribute Directives (vs) Structural Directives 

Custom Directives 

Receiving Parameters using Input Properties in Directives 




Creating Custom Structural Directive 


Deep dive on directives using code. 

Advanced Routing (Duration: 2Hrs) Learning Objective: 

This session will help you understand Routing.


Route Parameters 

Child Routes 

Nested Routes in AdminModule 

Router Events 

Server-Side Logging using Router Events 


Routes with Examples. 

Animations (Duration: 2Hrs) Learning Objective: 

This session will help you understand how can be use animation in Angular. 


Introduction to Animations 

Fade Animation 

Slide-Up Animation 

Zoom-Up Animation 

Zoom-Left Animation 

Slide-Left or Right Animation 

Keyframe Animation 


Understand animation with example. 

Dynamic Components (Duration: 2Hrs) Learning Objective: 

This session will help you understand the Dynamic Component in depth. 


Preparing for Dynamic Components 

Preparing Masters Menu Dynamically 

Loading Components Dynamically into Tabs 

Data Binding to Dynamic Components 

Destroying Dynamic Components 


creating dynamic components and how to use dynamic components.


Syllabus of Angular 7 Course in Chennai 

Introduction to Angular 

npm install -g @angular/cli

ng new my-app

ng new my-app


cd my-app

ng serve --open

To open your Angular application in VS Code, open another terminal (or command prompt) and navigate to the my-app folder and type code .:

cd my-app

code .

 no need to do anything else just follow below steps -

  1. right click on my computer (this pc).

  2. go to properties.

  3. click on advanced system setting.

  4. click on environmental variable.

  5. select path variable from system variable.

  6. click on edit button.

  7. add %AppData%\npm and %ProgramFiles%\nodejs\ at top of the list. 8 click on ok. ok. ok

  8. restart your system.

  9. after restart open visual studio code as run as administrative mode.

  10. Enjoy...............!!!!!

enter image description here

What is Angular? 

Angular Versions: AngularJS (vs) 

  • package.json: This is npm configuration file. It includes details about your website's package dependencies along with details about your own website being a package itself.

  • package-lock.json : This is an auto-generated and modified file that gets updated whenever npm does an operation related to node_modules or package.json


environments folder: The environments folder is used to hold the environment configuration constants that help when building the angular application. The constants are defined in 2 separate .ts files (environment.ts and, where these constants are used within the angular.json file by the Angular CLI. For example, if you run the ng build command, it will build the application using the development environment settings, whereas the command ng build ?prod will build the project using the production environment settings

  • assets folder: This folder is a placeholder for resource files which are used in the application such as images, locales, translations etc.


  • index.html: This is the entry file which holds the high level container for the angular application.


  • styles.css:/ This is a global css file which is used by the angular application.

  • main.ts: As defined in angular.json file, this is the main ts file that will first run. This file bootstraps (starts) the AppModule from app.module.ts , and it can be used to define global configurations.


  • app folder: The app folder contains the files, you have created for app components.


  • app.component.css: This file contains the cascading style sheets code for your app component.

  • app.component.html: This file contains the html file related to app component. This is the template file which is used by angular to do the data binding.

  • app.component.spec.ts: This file is a unit testing file related to app component. This file is used along with other unit tests. It is run from Angular CLI by the command ng test.

  • app.component.ts: This is the most important typescript file which includes the view logic behind the component.

  • app.module.ts: This is also a typescript file which includes all the dependencies for the website. This file is used to define the needed modules to be imported, the components to be declared and the main component to be bootstrapped.


Angular 7 Components

Components are the key features of Angular. The whole application is built by using different components.

The core idea behind Angular is to build components. They make your complex application into reusable parts which you can reuse very easily.

Create Components

  1. ng g c component_name  


Use Components in users.componets.ts

  1. <app-users></app-users>

What is interpolation & USe it

String Interpolation is a one-way databinding technique which is used to output the data from a TypeScript code to HTML template (view). It uses the template expression in double curly braces to display the data from the component to the view. String interpolation adds the value of a property from the component.

For example:

{{ data }}

  • For Dynamic Data 

Open app.component.ts file and use the following code within the file:

  1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';    

  2. @Component({    

  3.   selector: 'app-root',    

  4.   templateUrl: './app.component.html',    

  5.   styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']    

  6. })    

  7. export class AppComponent {    

  8.   title = 'Data binding example using String Interpolation';    

  9. }    


Now, open app.component.html and use the following code to see string interpolation.

  1. <h2>    

  2.   {{ title }}    

  3. </h2>

Now, open Node.js command prompt and run the ng serve command to see the result.


String Interpolation in Angular 8


Update the app.component.ts file with the following code:

  1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';    

  2. @Component({    

  3.   selector: 'app-root',    

  4.   templateUrl: './app.component.html',    

  5.   styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']    

  6. })    

  7. export class AppComponent {    

  8.   title = 'Data binding example using String Interpolation';    

  9.     numberA: number = 10;    

  10.     numberB: number = 20;    

  11.   }    


  1. <h2>Calculation is : {{ numberA + numberB }}</h2>  


You can use the same application in another way:


  1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';    

  2. @Component({    

  3.   selector: 'app-root',    

  4.   templateUrl: './app.component.html',    

  5.   styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']    

  6. })    

  7. export class AppComponent {    

  8.   title = 'Data binding example using String Interpolation';    

  9.   numberA: number = 10;    

  10.   numberB: number = 20;    

  11.   addTwoNumbers() {    

  12.     return this.numberA + this.numberB;    

  13.   }    

  14. }   



  1. <h2>Calculation is : {{ numberA + numberB }}</h2>  


String Interpolation in Angular 8

Button Click

Call Get Api

(here)  this.postData = data

For Alert

Change console.log to alert

NGIF (.html)

<h2 *ngIf="false">

HI Test



<h2 *ngIf="true">

HI Test




<h2 *ngIf="showme">

HI Test




export class AppComponent {

  title = 'my-app';

  showme = 'false';


Property Binding

export class AppComponent {

  title = 'my-app';

  showme = 'false';

  disabled = true;

  nameTxt = 'Property';



<input type="text" [disabled]=disabled placeholder = {{nameTxt}}>

Angular Form

Passing data From Parent to child component

  • ng g component users

Dynamic Style Binding

Css For True & False Both 

Change Dynamic Color

Local Json

E:\@!Tutorials\@Angular Videos\@Angular 9\Angular project - 1 install and setup ( 720 X 1280 )

ng new resto

npm install -g json-server

Create a db.json file with some data


  "posts": [

    { "id": 1, "title": "json-server", "author": "typicode" }


  "comments": [

    { "id": 1, "body": "some comment", "postId": 1 }


  "profile": { "name": "typicode" }


Start JSON Server


json-server --watch db.json


Now if you go to http://localhost:3000/posts/1, you'll get

{ "id": 1, "title": "json-server", "author": "typicode" }


Install postman chrome extension

Check the json url like (Get)


Post data without id 

{  "title": "json-server", "author": "typicode" }


Update Data (PUT)


{  "title": "json-server", "author": "vr" }

Search Like Keyword



Angular Setup for local development 

Cmd to add curd components

E:\Projects\@Angular Proj\resto

ng g component add-resto

ng g component update-resto

ng g component list-resto

ng g component login

ng g component register





  <li><a routerLink="add">Add New</a></li>




Bootstrap Menu

<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light">

  <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Resto</a>

  <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarNav" aria-controls="navbarNav" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">

    <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>


  <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarNav">

    <ul class="navbar-nav">

      <li class="nav-item active">

        <a class="nav-item nav-link "  routerLink="add">Add New</a>



      <li class="nav-item">

        <a class="nav-item nav-link" routerLink="list">list</a>



      <li class="nav-item">

        <a class="nav-link" routerLink="login">login</a>



      <li class="nav-item">

        <a class="nav-link"  routerLink="register">register</a>



      <li class="nav-item">

        <a class="nav-link"  routerLink="update">update</a>






npm install bootstrap

json-server --watch db.json

Create Service

ng g service resto

The environment of Installing NodeJS, NPM 

Installing Visual Studio Code 

Angular CLI 

Develop First Angular program using Angular CLI and Visual Studio Code. 

Angular Architecture 


Basic Building Blocks of Angular Applications Angular Modules and @NgModule decorator Angular Libraries Component, Templates and 

Metadata Data Binding 


Services and Dependency Injection

Displaying Dynamic Data 

Types of Directives 

Template Expressions 

String Interpolation 

Built-In Directives 




vs <template> 

When to use <ng-container> 

Angular Components Deep Dive 

What are the Components? 

Components Life Cycle Hooks. Dynamic Components. Working with Model Class. Nested Components. Working with Arrays / Collection 

Data Binding

Binding properties and Interpolation One-wayfinding Property Binding Event Binding 

Two-way Binding 

Two-way binding with NgModel Attribute Binding 

Style and Class Binding 

Styles Binding In Components 

Style and Class Bindings 

þÿBuilt-In Directives   NgStyle & NgClass Using Component Styles 

Special selectors 

Loading Styles into Components View Encapsulation 

ViewChild & ViewChildren 

ContentChild & ContentChildren 

Template Driven Forms 


Create the component that controls the form Create a template with the initial form layout 

Bind data properties to each form input control with the model two-way data binding syntax Add the name attribute to each form input control 

Add custom CSS to provide visual feedback Show and hide validation error messages Handle form submission with submitting

Disable the form submits button until the form is valid Resetting the form. 

Reactive Forms 

Reactive Forms Introduction 

Form Controls 

Form Control Properties 

setValue and patchValue 

Validating Form Elements 

Submitting and Resetting forms 

Observing and Reacting to Form Changes 

Using FormBuilder 

Working with Pipes 

Built-in Pipes 

Using parameters and chaining Pipes 

Custom Pipes 

Parameterized Custom Pipe 

Pipes and Change Detection

Pure and Impure pipes 

Changes in Pipes Syntax from 4 to 5 

Custom Directives 

Custom Attribute Directive 

Using HostListener 

Using HostBinding 

Custom Validator Directive 

Dependency Injection 

Understanding Dependency Injection Understanding DI in Angular 

Framework ReflectiveInjector 

Exploring Provider 

Types of Tokens 

Types of Dependencies 

Configuring DI using Providers 

Implementing DI in Angular

Optional Dependencies 

Services in Angular 

Building and Injecting Custom Services 

Service using another Service 

Reactive Extension for JavaScript 


Observable and Observer 

Reactive Operators 

Http Client Service 

Http client module and Http client Classes 

Writing Service with Get / Add / Edit / 

Delete Using Service in Component 

Angular Routing 


Configuring and Navigating Parameterized routes

Nested (or) Child Routes 

Router Guards & Routing Strategies 

Angular Modules 

AppModule as Root Module Feature modules 

Lazy Loading a Module Shared Module 

Performing CRUD Operations as in Realtime Angular Application. 

Create an ASP.NET MVC Web API Application 

Add Angular-Seed, download files and Configure Project Setup Project for Entity Framework Code First Model Add Web API Controller to perform CRUD Operations using EF. Create Angular Feature and Routing Modules 

Configure Angular to use HTTP and JSON Services 

Program Angular Modules to performing CRUD Operations. 

Angular CLI and MVC Application 

Create an Angular CLI Project 

Build CLI Project 

Integrate build output with MVC Application



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