Ticketing System Software

API - E:\@udemy\TicketingSystem\ApiTicketingSystem

Desc Ref- https://elextensions.com/plugin/wsdesk-wordpress-support-desk-plugin/?gclid=CjwKCAiAsYyRBhACEiwAkJFKom3rm6NfIIRLlP12RdjaNzMoIeE0X38zqpeTeqoXN6zSxDKJkUwo9RoChEoQAvD_BwE

Ref :- https://codecanyon.net/item/service-desk-software-using-aspnet-core-mvc-full-source-code/25419847

DataBase Designs Ref

* https://drawsql-media.s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com/screenshots/59801/conversions/1609369068-3789-opengraph.jpg

* https://i.stack.imgur.com/c484w.jpg

* https://i.stack.imgur.com/WFBcs.png

Sample Screens:

Screens For Client

- Login 

- Raise a Ticket ,

- Cancel a ticket or Modify the Ticket ?

- View Ticket & Rating for that ticket

- Profile Screen 

- Logout


Screens For Admin

- Login

- View Ticket

- Join , Comment

- Assign 

- Change Status

- Profile Screen

- Logout


Resumefox is a product that is sold to multiple customers

Each customer has multiple users of the product

Users can experience problems or issues 

Users should be able to raise a ticket when they experience an issue

This way, multiple users from different companies can report issues using the ticketing system

The user who reports the issue should be able to monitor its status

The managers of that user should be able to monitor the issues raised by all users under them

Of course, issues raised by one user should not be visible to other users in the company

On the Résuméfox side, each issue gets assigned to specific one or more engineers at the first level

the support team should be able to view the list of all issues reported by different users of different customers

  • The engineer who first picks it up can first put a comment and mark the issue as picked up

  • Or the who views it can leave it without taking any action for some other engineer to look into it or can assign it to another specific engineer if he/she can decide

  • The engineer who picks the issue can:

    • Assign it to someone else

    • Can address the issue and mark the issue as addressed

    • Can decide that the issue is not really an issue and close it

    • Not all comments put by engineers should be visible to external users

    • Engineer should specifically put a comment that the external user should see or specifically say that there is not message for the external user




    ticketID int NOT NULL,

status_id int NOT NULL,

pid int NOT NULL,

    title varchar(100),

tDescriptions varchar(max),

    PRIMARY KEY (ticketID),

    FOREIGN KEY (status_id) REFERENCES TicketStatusMaster(status_id),

FOREIGN KEY (pid) REFERENCES TicketPriorityMaster(pid),

created_at DATETIME ,

   updated_at TIMESTAMP



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