Sql Training - 11


Table Variable
A Table Variable is a variable that can store the complete table of the data inside it. It is similar to a Table Variable but as I said a Table Variable is a variable. So how do we declare a variable in SQL? Using the @ symbol. The same is true for a Table Variable. so the syntax of the Table Variable is as follows:

  1. Declare @TempTable TABLE(      
  2. id int,    
  3. Name varchar(20)      
  4. )      
  6. insert into @TempTable values(1,'Sourabh Somani')  
  7. insert into @TempTable values(2,'Shaili Dashora')  
  8. insert into @TempTable values(3,'Divya Sharma')  
  9. insert into @TempTable values(4,'Swati Soni')  
  11. Select * from @TempTable  

  12. --------------------

    Temporary Tables are most likely as Permanent Tables. Temporary Tables are Created in TempDB and are automatically deleted as soon as the last connection is terminated. Temporary Tables helps us to store and process intermediate results. Temporary tables are very useful when we need to store temporary data. The Syntax to create a Temporary Table is given below:

    To Create Temporary Table:

    CREATE TABLE #EmpDetails (id INT, name VARCHAR(25))  

    To Insert Values Into Temporary Table:

    INSERT INTO #EmpDetails VALUES (01, 'Lalit'), (02, 'Atharva') 

    To Select Values from Temporary Table:

    SELECT * FROM #EmpDetails 

    Important Points about Table Variables
    • The same as a temporary table.
    • Single query cannot be executed.
    • When we want to perform a few operations then use a Table Variable otherwise if it is a huge amount of data operation then use a temporary table.
    • Commit and Rollback (Transaction) cannot be possible with Table Variables so if you want to perform a transaction operation then always go with temporary tables.

      What are scalar functions

      SQL Server scalar function takes one or more parameters and returns a single value.

      The scalar functions help you simplify your code. For example, you may have a complex calculation that appears in many queries. Instead of including the formula in every query, you can create a scalar function that encapsulates the formula and uses it in each query.

      Creating a scalar function

      To create a scalar function, you use the CREATE FUNCTION statement as follows:

      CREATE FUNCTION [schema_name.]function_name (parameter_list) RETURNS data_type AS BEGIN statements RETURN value END
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      In this syntax:

      • First, specify the name of the function after the CREATE FUNCTION keywords. The schema name is optional. If you don’t explicitly specify it, SQL Server uses dbo by default.
      • Second, specify a list of parameters surrounded by parentheses after the function name.
      • Third, specify the data type of the return value in the RETURNS statement.
      • Finally, include a RETURN statement to return a value inside the body of the function.

      The following example creates a function that calculates the net sales based on the quantity, list price, and discount:

      CREATE FUNCTION sales.udfNetSale( @quantity INT, @list_price DEC(10,2), @discount DEC(4,2) ) RETURNS DEC(10,2) AS BEGIN RETURN @quantity * @list_price * (1 - @discount); END;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      SELECT dbo.udfNetSale(10,100,0.1);

      Later on, we can use this to calculate net sales of any sales order in the order_items from the sample database.

      order_items table

      After creating the scalar function, you can find it under Programmability > Functions > Scalar-valued Functions as shown in the following picture:

      SQL Server Scalar Function

      Calling a scalar function

      You call a scalar function like a built-in function. For example, the following statement demonstrates how to call the udfNetSale function:

      SELECT sales.udfNetSale(10,100,0.1) net_sale;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      Here is the output:

      SQL Server Scalar Function example

      The following example illustrates how to use the sales.udfNetSale function to get the net sales of the sales orders in the order_items table:

      SELECT order_id, SUM(sales.udfNetSale(quantity, list_price, discount)) net_amount FROM sales.order_items GROUP BY order_id ORDER BY net_amount DESC;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      The following picture shows the partial output:

      SQL Server Scalar Function - calling function

      Modifying a scalar function

      To modify a scalar function, you use the ALTER instead of the CREATE keyword. The rest statements remain the same:

      ALTER FUNCTION [schema_name.]function_name (parameter_list) RETURN data_type AS BEGIN statements RETURN value END
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      Note that you can use the CREATE OR ALTER statement to create a user-defined function if it does not exist or to modify an existing scalar function:

      CREATE OR ALTER FUNCTION [schema_name.]function_name (parameter_list) RETURN data_type AS BEGIN statements RETURN value END
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      Removing a scalar function

      To remove an existing scalar function, you use the DROP FUNCTION statement:

      DROP FUNCTION [schema_name.]function_name;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      For example, to remove the sales.udfNetSale function, you use the following statement:

      DROP FUNCTION sales.udfNetSale;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      SQL Server scalar function notes

      The following are some key takeaway of the scalar functions:

      • Scalar functions can be used almost anywhere in T-SQL statements.
      • Scalar functions accept one or more parameters but return only one value, therefore, they must include a RETURN statement.
      • Scalar functions can use logic such as IF blocks or WHILE loops.
      • Scalar functions cannot update data. They can access data but this is not a good practice.
      • Scalar functions can call other functions

      What is a table-valued function in SQL Server

      A table-valued function is a user-defined function that returns data of a table type. The return type of a table-valued function is a table, therefore, you can use the table-valued function just like you would use a table.

      Creating a table-valued function

      The following statement example creates a table-valued function that returns a list of products including product name, model year and the list price for a specific model year:

      CREATE FUNCTION udfProductInYear ( @model_year INT ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN SELECT product_name, model_year, list_price FROM production.products WHERE model_year = @model_year;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      The syntax is similar to the one that creates a user-defined function.

      The RETURNS TABLE specifies that the function will return a table. As you can see, there is no BEGIN...END statement. The statement simply queries data from the production.products table.

      The udfProductInYear function accepts one parameter named @model_year of type INT. It returns the products whose model years equal @model_year parameter.

      Once the table-valued function is created, you can find it under Programmability > Functions > Table-valued Functions as shown in the following picture:

      SQL Server Table-valued Function example

      The function above returns the result set of a single SELECT statement, therefore, it is also known as an inline table-valued function.

      Executing a table-valued function

      To execute a table-valued function, you use it in the FROM clause of the SELECT statement:

      SELECT * FROM udfProductInYear(2017);
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)
      SQL Server Table-valued Function Execution

      In this example, we selected the products whose model year is 2017.

      You can also specify which columns to be returned from the table-valued function as follows:

      SELECT product_name, list_price FROM udfProductInYear(2018);
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      Here is the partial output:

      SQL Server Table-valued Function - Selecting columns

      Management of Schema Objects 

      Add, Modify and Drop a Column

      Introduction to SQL Server ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN

      Sometimes, you need to remove one or more unused or obsolete columns from a table. To do this, you use the ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN statement as follows:

      ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      In this syntax:

      • First, specify the name of the table from which you want to delete the column.
      • Second, specify the name of the column that you want to delete.

      If the column that you want to delete has a CHECK constraint, you must delete the constraint first before removing the column. Also, SQL Server does not allow you to delete a column that has a PRIMARY KEY or a FOREIGN KEY constraint.

      If you want to delete multiple columns at once, you use the following syntax:

      ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name_1, column_name_2,...;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      In this syntax, you specify columns that you want to drop as a list of comma-separated columns in the DROP COLUMN clause.

      SQL Server ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN examples

      Let’s create a new table named sales.price_lists for the demonstration.

      CREATE TABLE sales.price_lists( product_id int, valid_from DATE, price DEC(10,2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT ck_positive_price CHECK(price >= 0), discount DEC(10,2) NOT NULL, surcharge DEC(10,2) NOT NULL, note VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY(product_id, valid_from) );
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      The following statement drops the note column from the price_lists table:

      ALTER TABLE sales.price_lists DROP COLUMN note;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      The price column has a CHECK constraint, therefore, you cannot delete it. If you try to execute the following statement, you will get an error:

      ALTER TABLE sales.price_lists DROP COLUMN price;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      Here is the error message:

      The object 'ck_positive_price' is dependent on column 'price'.
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      To drop the price column, first, delete its CHECK constraint:

      ALTER TABLE sales.price_lists DROP CONSTRAINT ck_positive_price;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      And then, delete the price column:

      ALTER TABLE sales.price_lists DROP COLUMN price;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      The following example deletes two columns discount and surcharge at once:

      ALTER TABLE sales.price_lists DROP COLUMN discount, surcharge;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      In this tutorial, you have learned how to use the SQL Server ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN statement to remove one or more columns from a table.

      Creating a simple stored procedure

      The following SELECT statement returns a list of products from the products table in the BikeStores sample database:

      SELECT product_name, list_price FROM production.products ORDER BY product_name;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      To create a stored procedure that wraps this query, you use the CREATE PROCEDURE statement as follows:

      CREATE PROCEDURE uspProductList AS BEGIN SELECT product_name, list_price FROM production.products ORDER BY product_name; END;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      In this syntax:

      • The uspProductList is the name of the stored procedure.
      • The AS keyword separates the heading and the body of the stored procedure.
      • If the stored procedure has one statement, the BEGIN and END keywords surrounding the statement are optional. However, it is a good practice to include them to make the code clear.

      Note that in addition to the CREATE PROCEDURE keywords, you can use the CREATE PROC keywords to make the statement shorter.

      To compile this stored procedure, you execute it as a normal SQL statement in SQL Server Management Studio as shown in the following picture:

      If everything is correct, then you will see the following message:

      Commands completed successfully.
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      It means that the stored procedure has been successfully compiled and saved into the database catalog.

      You can find the stored procedure in the Object Explorer, under Programmability > Stored Procedures as shown in the following picture:

      Sometimes, you need to click the Refresh button to manually update the database objects in the Object Explorer.

      Executing a stored procedure

      To execute a stored procedure, you use the EXECUTE or EXEC statement followed by the name of the stored procedure:

      EXECUTE sp_name;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)


      EXEC sp_name;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      where sp_name is the name of the stored procedure that you want to execute.

      For example, to execute the uspProductList stored procedure, you use the following statement:

      EXEC uspProductList;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      The stored procedure returns the following output:

      SQL Server Stored Procedure output

      Modifying a stored procedure

      To modify an existing stored procedure, you use the ALTER PROCEDURE statement.

      First, open the stored procedure to view its contents by right-clicking the stored procedure name and select Modify menu item:

      SQL Server Stored Procedure modifying

      Second, change the body of the stored procedure by sorting the products by list prices instead of product names:

      ALTER PROCEDURE uspProductList AS BEGIN SELECT product_name, list_price FROM production.products ORDER BY list_price END;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      Third, click the Execute button, SQL Server modifies the stored procedure and returns the following output:

      Commands completed successfully.
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      Now, if you execute the stored procedure again, you will see the changes taking effect:

      EXEC uspProductList;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      The following shows the partial output:

      SQL Server Stored Procedure output changes

      Deleting a stored procedure

      To delete a stored procedure, you use the DROP PROCEDURE or DROP PROC statement:

      DROP PROCEDURE sp_name;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)


      DROP PROC sp_name;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      where sp_name is the name of the stored procedure that you want to delete.

      For example, to remove the uspProductList stored procedure, you execute the following statement:

      DROP PROCEDURE uspProductList;

      Creating a stored procedure with one parameter

      The following query returns a product list from the products table in the sample database:

      SELECT product_name, list_price FROM production.products ORDER BY list_price;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      You can create a stored procedure that wraps this query using the CREATE PROCEDURE statement:

      CREATE PROCEDURE uspFindProducts AS BEGIN SELECT product_name, list_price FROM production.products ORDER BY list_price; END;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      However, this time we can add a parameter to the stored procedure to find the products whose list prices are greater than an input price:

      ALTER PROCEDURE uspFindProducts(@min_list_price AS DECIMAL) AS BEGIN SELECT product_name, list_price FROM production.products WHERE list_price >= @min_list_price ORDER BY list_price; END;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      In this example:

      • First, we added a parameter named @min_list_price to the uspFindProducts stored procedure. Every parameter must start with the @ sign. The AS DECIMAL keywords specify the data type of the @min_list_price parameter. The parameter must be surrounded by the opening and closing brackets.
      • Second, we used @min_list_price parameter in the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement to filter only the products whose list prices are greater than or equal to the @min_list_price.

      Executing a stored procedure with one parameter

      To execute the uspFindProducts stored procedure, you pass an argument to it as follows:

      EXEC uspFindProducts 100;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)
      SQL Server Stored Procedure Parameters - One parameter example

      Creating a stored procedure with multiple parameters

      Stored procedures can take one or more parameters. The parameters are separated by commas.

      The following statement modifies the uspFindProducts stored procedure by adding one more parameter named @max_list_price to it:

      ALTER PROCEDURE uspFindProducts( @min_list_price AS DECIMAL ,@max_list_price AS DECIMAL ) AS BEGIN SELECT product_name, list_price FROM production.products WHERE list_price >= @min_list_price AND list_price <= @max_list_price ORDER BY list_price; END;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      Once the stored procedure is modified successfully, you can execute it by passing two arguments, one for @min_list_price and the other for @max_list_price:

      EXECUTE uspFindProducts 900, 1000;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      The following shows the output:

      SQL Server Stored Procedure Parameters - multiple parameters example

      Using named parameters

      In case stored procedures have multiple parameters, it is better and more clear to execute the stored procedures using named parameters.

      For example, the following statement executes the uspFindProducts stored procedure using the named parameters @min_list_priceand @max_list_price:

      EXECUTE uspFindProducts @min_list_price = 900, @max_list_price = 1000;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      The result of the stored procedure is the same however the statement is more obvious.

      Creating text parameters

      The following statement adds the @name parameter as a character string parameter to the stored procedure.

      ALTER PROCEDURE uspFindProducts( @min_list_price AS DECIMAL ,@max_list_price AS DECIMAL ,@name AS VARCHAR(max) ) AS BEGIN SELECT product_name, list_price FROM production.products WHERE list_price >= @min_list_price AND list_price <= @max_list_price AND product_name LIKE '%' + @name + '%' ORDER BY list_price; END;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      In the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement, we added the following condition:

      product_name LIKE '%' + @name + '%'
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      By doing this, the stored procedure returns the products whose list prices are in the range of min and max list prices and the product names also contain a piece of text that you pass in.

      Once the stored procedure is altered successfully, you can execute it as follows:

      EXECUTE uspFindProducts @min_list_price = 900, @max_list_price = 1000, @name = 'Trek';
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      In this statement, we used the uspFindProducts stored procedure to find the product whose list prices are in the range of 900 and 1,000 and their names contain the word Trek.

      The following picture shows the output:

      SQL Server Stored Procedure Parameters - text parameter example

      Creating output parameters

      To create an output parameter for a stored procedure, you use the following syntax:

      parameter_name data_type OUTPUT
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      A stored procedure can have many output parameters. In addition, the output parameters can be in any valid data type e.g., integerdate, and varying character.

      For example, the following stored procedure finds products by model year and returns the number of products via the @product_count output parameter:

      CREATE PROCEDURE uspFindProductByModel ( @model_year SMALLINT, @product_count INT OUTPUT ) AS BEGIN SELECT product_name, list_price FROM production.products WHERE model_year = @model_year; SELECT @product_count = @@ROWCOUNT; END;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      In this stored procedure:

      First, we created an output parameter named @product_count to store the number of products found:

      @product_count INT OUTPUT
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      Second, after the SELECT statement, we assigned the number of rows returned by the query(@@ROWCOUNT) to the @product_count parameter.

      Note that the @@ROWCOUNT is a system variable that returns the number of rows read by the previous statement.

      Once you execute the CREATE PROCEDURE statement above, the uspFindProductByModel stored procedure is compiled and saved in the database catalog.

      If everything is fine, SQL Server issues the following output:

      Commands completed successfully.
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      Calling stored procedures with output parameters

      To call a stored procedure with output parameters, you follow these steps:

      • First, declare variables to hold the values returned by the output parameters
      • Second, use these variables in the stored procedure call.

      For example, the following statement executes the uspFindProductByModel stored procedure:

      DECLARE @count INT; EXEC uspFindProductByModel @model_year = 2018, @product_count = @count OUTPUT; SELECT @count AS 'Number of products found';
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      The following picture shows the output:

      SQL Server Stored Procedure Output Parameter Example

      In this example:

      First, declare the @count variable to hold the the value of the output parameter of the stored procedure:

      DECLARE @count INT;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      Then, execute the uspFindProductByModel stored procedure and passing the parameters:

      EXEC uspFindProductByModel @model_year = 2018, @product_count = @count OUTPUT;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      In this statement, the model_year is 2018 and the @count variable assigns the value of the output parameter @product_count.

      You can call the uspFindProductByModel stored procedure as follows:

      EXEC uspFindProductByModel 2018, @count OUTPUT;
      Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

      Note that if you forget the OUTPUT keyword after the @count variable, the @count variable will be NULL.

      Finally, show the value of the @count variable:

      SELECT @count AS 'Number of products found';

      Manage Objects with Data Dictionary Views 

      Explain the data dictionary 

      Use the Dictionary Views 


      Table and Column Information 

      Query the dictionary views for constraint information 

      Query the dictionary views for view, sequence, index, and synonym information Add a comment to a table 

      Query the dictionary views for comment information 

      Manipulate Large Data Sets

      Use Subqueries to Manipulate Data 

      Retrieve Data Using a Subquery as Source 

      Insert Using a Subquery as a Target 

      Usage of the WITH CHECK OPTION Keyword on DML Statements List the types of Multitable INSERT Statements 

      Use Multitable INSERT Statements 

      Merge rows in a table 

      Track Changes in Data over a period of time 


      Create, maintain, and use sequences 

      Create private and public synonyms 

      Control User Access 

      Differentiate system privileges from object privileges Create Users 

      Grant System Privileges 

      Create and Grant Privileges to a Role 

      Change Your Password 

      Grant Object Privileges 

      How to pass on privileges? 

      Revoke Object Privileges 


      Data Management in Different Time Zones 

      Time Zones 


      Difference between DATE and TIMESTAMP 

      INTERVAL Data Types 



      Retrieve Data Using Sub-queries 

      Multiple-Column Subqueries 

      Pairwise and Nonpairwise Comparison 

      Scalar Subquery Expressions 

      Solve problems with Correlated Subqueries 

      Update and Delete Rows Using Correlated Subqueries The EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators 

      Invoke the WITH clause 

      The Recursive WITH clause 

      Regular Expression Support 

      Use the Regular Expressions Functions and Conditions in SQL Use Meta Characters with Regular Expressions 

      Perform a Basic Search using the REGEXP_LIKE function Find patterns using the REGEXP_INSTR function Extract Substrings using the REGEXP_SUBSTR function Replace Patterns Using the REGEXP_REPLACE function Usage of Sub-Expressions with Regular Expression Support

      Implement the REGEXP_COUNT function


      Perform Flashback Operations 

      Create an External Table by Using ORACLE_LOADER and by Using ORACLE_DATAPUMP Query External Tables 


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