Sql Training - 12



A transaction is the logical work unit that performs a single activity or multiple activities in a database. Transactions may consist of a single read, write, delete, or update operations or a combination of these. Suppose that, when we want to withdraw money from the ATM, the ATM application will achieve this operation in three steps. As a first step, the application will check the balance of the account, and then it will deduct the money from the source account. Along with these two processes, it will keep the log of this money withdrawing activity. The following image basically illustrates the working principle of the transactions in the relational database systems.

Illustration of the transactions in SQL Server

The main idea of transactions is that when each of the statements returns an error, the entire modifications rollback to provide data integrity. On the other hand, if all statements are completed successfully the data modifications will become permanent on the database. As a result, if we experience any power outage or other problems during the withdrawal of money from an ATM, transactions guarantee our balance consistency. It would be the best method to perform all these steps through a transaction because the four main properties of the transactions enable all operations more accurate and consistent. All these properties are known as the ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) in the relational database systems with the first letter of their names.

  • Atomicity: The entire of the operations that are included by the transaction performed successfully. Otherwise, all operations are canceled at the point of the failure and all the previous operations are rolled back
  • Consistency: This property ensures that all the data will be consistent after a transaction is completed according to the defined rules, constraints, cascades, and triggers
  • Isolation: All transactions are isolated from other transactions
  • Durable: The modification of the commited transactions becomes persist in the database


In this article, we will create a sample table through the following query and will populate some sample data.

Modes of the Transactions in SQL Server

SQL Server can operate 3 different transactions modes and these are:

  1. Autocommit Transaction mode is the default transaction for the SQL Server. In this mode, each T-SQL statement is evaluated as a transaction and they are committed or rolled back according to their results. The successful statements are committed and the failed statements are rolled back immediately
  2. Implicit transaction mode enables to SQL Server to start an implicit transaction for every DML statement but we need to use the commit or rolled back commands explicitly at the end of the statements
  3. Explicit transaction mode provides to define a transaction exactly with the starting and ending points of the transaction

How to define an Implicit Transaction in SQL Server

In order to define an implicit transaction, we need to enable the IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS option. The following query illustrates an example of an implicit transaction.

  • Tip: @@TRANCOUNT function returns the number of BEGIN TRANSACTION statements in the current session and we can use this function to count the open local transaction numbers in the examples

Explanation of the Implicit Transaction in SQL Server

The COMMIT TRANSACTION statement applies the data changes to the database and the changed data will become permanent.

How to define an Explicit Transaction in SQL Server

In order to define an explicit transaction, we start to use the BEGIN TRANSACTION command because this statement identifies the starting point of the explicit transaction. It has the following syntax:

  • transaction_name option is used to assign a specific name to transactions
  • @trans_var option is a user-defined variable that is used to hold the transaction name
  • WITH MARK option enable to mark a particular transaction in the log file

After defining an explicit transaction through the BEGIN TRANSACTION command, the related resources acquired a lock depending on the isolation level of the transaction. For this reason as possible to use the shortest transaction will help to reduce lock issues. The following statement starts a transaction and then it will change the name of a particular row in the Person table.

Find the open transactions

As we stated in the previous section COMMIT TRAN statement applies the data changes to the database and the changed data will become permanent. Now let’s complete the open transaction with a COMMIT TRAN statement.

How to commit a transaction

On the other hand, the ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement helps in undoing all data modifications that are applied by the transaction. In the following example, we will change a particular row but this data modification will not persist.

How to rollback a transaction

The following table illustrates the structure of the explicit transactions in SQL Server.


The starting point of the transaction

SQL commands

DML and SELECT statements


Apply data changing to the database or Erase data changing to the database

Save Points in Transactions

Savepoints can be used to rollback any particular part of the transaction rather than the entire transaction. So that we can only rollback any portion of the transaction where between after the save point and before the rollback command. To define a save point in a transaction we use the SAVE TRANSACTION syntax and then we add a name to the save point. Now, let’s illustrates an example of savepoint usage. When we execute the following query, only the insert statement will be committed and the delete statement will be rolled back.

Explanation of the savepoints in SQL Server

Auto Rollback transactions in SQL Server

Generally, the transactions include more than one query. In this manner, if one of the SQL statements returns an error all modifications are erased, and the remaining statements are not executed. This process is called Auto Rollback Transaction in SQL. Now let’s explain this principle with a very simple example.

-- Transaction  ( Begin Transaction (or) Tran , commit , rolleback )

-- Begin Tran (or ) Bengin Transaction
-- 1.detect from our acc -- done
---2.it has to credit in 2nd user - it's not done
--  rolleback

-- Begin Tran (or ) Bengin Transaction
-- 1.detect from our acc -- done
---2.it has to credit in 2nd user - done
--  commit














Introduction to SQL CASE expression

The SQL CASE expression allows you to evaluate a list of conditions and returns one of the possible results. The CASE expression has two formats: simple CASE and searched CASE.

You can use the CASE expression in a clause or statement that allows a valid expression. For example, you can use the CASE expression in statements such as SELECTDELETE, and UPDATE or in clauses such as SELECTORDER BY, and HAVING.

Simple CASE expression

The following illustrates the simple CASE expression:

CASE expression WHEN when_expression_1 THEN result_1 WHEN when_expression_2 THEN result_2 WHEN when_expression_3 THEN result_3 ... ELSE else_result END
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

The CASE expression compares an expression to a set of expression (when_expression_1, when_expression_2, when_expression_3, …) using the equality operator (=). If you want to use other comparison operators such as greater than (>), less than (<), etc., you use the searched CASE expression.

The CASE statement returns the result_1, result_2, or result_3 if the expression matches the corresponding expression in the WHEN clause.

If the expression does not match any expression in the WHEN clause, it returns the esle_result in the ELSE clause. The ELSE clause is optional.

If you omit the ELSE clause and the expression does not match any expression in the WHEN clause, the CASE expression returns NULL.

Simple CASE expression example

Let’s take a look at the employees table.


Suppose the current year is 2000.

We can use the simple CASE expression to get the work anniversaries of employees by using the following statement:

SELECT first_name, last_name, hire_date, CASE (2000 - YEAR(hire_date)) WHEN 1 THEN '1 year' WHEN 3 THEN '3 years' WHEN 5 THEN '5 years' WHEN 10 THEN '10 years' WHEN 15 THEN '15 years' WHEN 20 THEN '20 years' WHEN 25 THEN '25 years' WHEN 30 THEN '30 years' END aniversary FROM employees ORDER BY first_name;
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

Try It

SQL CASE simple CASE example

The YEAR function returns the year when the employee joined the company. We get the number of years that the employee has been with the company and by subtracting the year when the employee joined the company from the current year (2000).

We get the number of years that the employee has been with the company by subtracting the year when the employee joined the company from the current year (2000).

Then we compare the result with 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 If the year of service equals one of these numbers, the CASE expression returns the work anniversary of the employee.

If the year of services of the employee does not match these numbers, the CASE expression returns NULL.

Searched CASE expression

The following shows the searched CASE expression.

CASE WHEN boolean_expression_1 THEN result_1 WHEN boolean_expression_2 THEN result_2 WHEN boolean_expression_3 THEN result_3 ELSE else_result END;

Search CASE expression example

The following illustrates the searched CASE expression example.

SELECT first_name, last_name, CASE WHEN salary < 3000 THEN 'Low' WHEN salary >= 3000 AND salary <= 5000 THEN 'Average' WHEN salary > 5000 THEN 'High' END evaluation FROM employees;


Let’s create a new table for practicing the DROP TABLE statement.

The following statement creates a new table named emergency_contacts that stores the emergency contacts of employees.

CREATE TABLE emergency_contacts ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, relationship VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, employee_id INT NOT NULL );
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

The following statement drops the emergency_contacts table:

DROP TABLE emergency_contacts;

Introduction to the SQL TRUNCATE TABLE statement

sql truncate table

To delete all data from a table, you use the DELETE statement without a WHERE clause. For a big table that has few million rows, the DELETE statement is slow and not efficient.

To delete all rows from a big table fast, you use the following TRUNCATE TABLE statement:

TRUNCATE TABLE table_name;
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

In this syntax, you specify the table_name that you want to delete data after the TRUNCATE TABLE clause.

Some database systems such as MySQL and  PostgreSQL allow you to skip the TABLE keyword so the TRUNCATE TABLE statement is as simple as follows:

TRUNCATE table_name;
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

When you issue the TRUNCATE TABLE statement, the database system deletes all rows from the table by deallocating the data pages allocated by the table. By doing this, the RDBMS can reduce the resources for logging and the number of locks that need to acquire.

To truncate multiple tables at a time, you can use a list of comma-separated table names after the TRUNCATE TABLE clause as follows:

TRUNCATE TABLE table_name1, table_name2, ...;
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

Not all database systems support this form of the TRUNCATE TABLE statement. If you are using the one that does not, you must issue multiple TRUNCATE TABLE statements to truncate multiple tables.


Logically the TRUNCATE TABLE statement and the DELETE statement without the WHERE clause gives the same effect that removes all data from a table. However, they do have some differences:

  • When you use the DELETE statement, the database system logs the operations. And with some efforts, you can roll back the data that was deleted. However, when you use the TRUNCATE TABLE statement, you have no chance to roll back except you use it in a transaction that has not been committed.
  • To delete data from a table referenced by a foreign key constraint, you cannot use the TRUNCATE TABLE statement. In this case, you must use the DELETE statement instead.
  • The TRUNCATE TABLE statement does not fire the delete trigger if the table has the triggers associated with it.
  • Some database systems reset the value of an auto-increment column (or identity, sequence, etc.) to its starting value after you execute the TRUNCATE TABLE statement. It is not the case for the DELETE statement.
  • The DELETE statement with a WHERE clause deletes partial data from a table while the TRUNCATE TABLE statement always removes all data from the table.


Let’s take a look at an example of truncating a table.

First, create a new table named big_table as follows:

Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

Second, execute the following statement as many times as you want to insert sample data into the big_table table:

INSERT INTO big_table (val) VALUES (RAND(100000));
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

Note that if you use a database system that supports stored procedure, you can put this statement inside a loop. For example, the following stored procedure in MySQL loads data into the big_table table with the number of rows specified by the num parameter.

DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE load_big_table_data(IN num int) BEGIN DECLARE counter int default 0; WHILE counter < num DO INSERT INTO big_table(val) VALUES(RAND(1000000)); END WHILE; END$$
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

The following statement calls the load_big_table_data stored procedure to insert 10,000 rows into the big_table table.

CALL load_big_table_data(10000);
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

Third, to remove all data from the big_table, you use the following statement:

Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

As you can see, how fast the TRUNCATE TABLE statement is.

 Control User Access 

Differentiate system privileges from object privileges Create Users 

Grant System Privileges 

Create and Grant Privileges to a Role 

Change Your Password 

Grant Object Privileges 

How to pass on privileges? 

Revoke Object Privileges 

Regular Expression Support 

Use the Regular Expressions Functions and Conditions in SQL Use

SQL Regex 

Below I have listed down all the Regular Expressions that can be used in SQL.

*Matches zero or more instances of the preceding String
+Matches one or more instances of the preceding String
.Matches any single character
?Matches zero or one instance of the preceding Strings
^^ matches the beginning of a String
$$ matches the ending of a String
[abc]Matches any character listed in between the square brackets
[^abc]Matches any character not listed in between the square brackets
[A-Z]Matches any letter in uppercase
[a-z]Matches any letter in lowercase
[0-9]Matches any digit between 0-9
[[:<:]]Matches the beginning of words
[[:>:]]Matches the end of words
[:class:]Matches any character class
p1|p2|p3Mathes any of the specified pattern
{n}Matches n instances of the preceding element
{m,n}Matches m through n instances of the preceding element

Meta Characters with Regular Expressions 

Perform a Basic Search using the REGEXP_LIKE function Find patterns using the REGEXP_INSTR function Extract Substrings using the REGEXP_SUBSTR function Replace Patterns Using the REGEXP_REPLACE function Usage of Sub-Expressions with Regular Expression Support

Implement the REGEXP_COUNT function

Manage Objects with Data Dictionary Views 

Explain the data dictionary 

Use the Dictionary Views 


Table and Column Information 

Query the dictionary views for constraint information 

Query the dictionary views for view, sequence, index, and synonym information Add a comment to a table 

Query the dictionary views for comment information 

Manipulate Large Data Sets

Use Subqueries to Manipulate Data 

Retrieve Data Using a Subquery as Source 

Insert Using a Subquery as a Target 

Usage of the WITH CHECK OPTION Keyword on DML Statements List the types of Multitable INSERT Statements 

Use Multitable INSERT Statements 

Merge rows in a table 

Track Changes in Data over a period of time 


Create, maintain, and use sequences 

Create private and public synonyms 


Data Management in Different Time Zones 

Time Zones 


Difference between DATE and TIMESTAMP 

INTERVAL Data Types 



Retrieve Data Using Sub-queries 

Multiple-Column Subqueries 

Pairwise and Nonpairwise Comparison 

Scalar Subquery Expressions 

Solve problems with Correlated Subqueries 

Update and Delete Rows Using Correlated Subqueries The EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators 

Invoke the WITH clause 

The Recursive WITH clause 



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